piektdiena, 2010. gada 2. aprīlis

iPad note taking app: concept

About iPad - I do not have one - yet. (It is not the date and I'm not living in US).

Anyway, after Job's presentation I thought about this revolutionary device and tried to imagine place of usage between my laptop and smartphone. And I came up with idea, that this device can be quite useful not for just "consuming" (web, photos, movies), but also as productivity tool, with help of one application - if such thing would exist. So here I'm gona describe concept of this app. I have not done any research - maybe some of this sort already exist on the market - dunno. I have used some of laptop apps, and found them short of some kind of features. Ok, enough for introduction, and here it goes:

Meeting note-taking application

Basic idea is - with this app and iPad it is easy to take notes during meeting. So this app will be basically drawing/writing pad + word processor. It should be possible to take notes in handwritten format with help of some stylus, and/or to switch for built in touch-typing keyboard. As with stylus/finger input, it is possible to do some finger drawings - sketches, diagrams, blocks, boxes, arrows - and save the drawings immediately, more than one per meeting. Of course, all saved notes is automatically marked with title of the meeting, also with date, time, location. Of course, all data can be uploaded to desktop app/cloud.
So far quite basic things.
But then comes more advanced features.
Integration with iCal
Each meeting can be synchronized with corresponding iCal entry - so this note-taking app will have access to iCal database. Also, from this app, user will be able to schedule next meetings - see own calendar, and make apointment, send invitation, without quitting note-taking app.
Integration with AddressBook
For each meeting, by sending out invitations - it is possible to choose recipients.
Also, it should be possible to add "participants" of the meeting - just by choosing them from the address book list. Also, it is possible to add other participants - with possibility to add them to address-book later.
Structured notes
OK, and here is the next big advantage of this app: user defined structured notes. Any user of this app will be able to set up a some pre-defined structure of info. This can be used, for example, for interviewing. If I have questions about family status, then I can make form of, say three checkboxes/radio buttons [single, married, divorced] or number of children [num box].
So notes can be taken during meeting in non-structured and /or structured form. (I have some thaughts on visual implementation of this, will attach them some time later.)
Also, one kind of structured note can be
Integration with to-do (task) list
So, during the meeting, it is possible to make new tasks, put them to task list, add dates, assign to specific persons, (with sending them note about it). I know, this list exist in OSX, but not in iPhone OS3 - and I do not know about iPad, but that is what I'm talking about.

OK, basicaly that is it.
Of course, all saved notes is searchable, marked with tags.
I have used such apps as Journler, EverNote for my note-taking tasks, but they are short of some of these features.

Possible names of app: NoteTaker, Meeting Notes, SuperDuperNote and so on.

I'm writing this here, because my coding skills are far too small for making such a thing. But I would like to have this idea implemented. So, if you are programmer and like to develop this app - feel free to use this ideas. :)

What do you think?